Abby loves spending time outside and dreams of having her own chickens and goats one day. She enjoys hiking with her dog when the weather is nice and knitting on the couch when the weather is less inviting.With a BScN and eight years of nursing experience behind her, Abby made the move to Victoria to pursue a career in massage. Currently, she is enrolled in her final term at WCCMT and she is eager to get to work, bringing her knowledge of the body to you. Abby's passion for movment is subtle, and yet drives her to understand the relationship from mind to body. All of us carry tension in unique places and she considers it her calling to help locate the source. She enjoys creating an individualized massage experience to meet the goals of each person, whether it be generating better movement, creating space, or simply relaxing and tuning in with yourself.

The information provided here is just an overview. Each case will be different depending on the person. We’ll be happy to provide more detailed information as it pertains to you when you call us at 778-744-8401

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It is important to pay respect to and acknowledge that our team works and provides mobile services on the traditional lands of the Lkwungen, W̱SÁNEĆ, Quw'utsun', Snuneymuxw First Nation, and Ts'uubaa-asatx peoples.